Commando Krav Maga Certification
Commando Krav Maga Seminar Information
Teaching Commando Krav Maga /Combat Survival Since 1975
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Commando Krav Maga, aka CKM, is considered by many experts to be the most devastating fighting system in the world. In CKM, you’ll learn to defeat attackers (even multiple attackers) armed with knives, guns, bottles, sticks, baseball bats etc. Additionally, you’ll learn how to debilitate your opponent immediately irrespective of his size, training background or experience level. Most importantly, you’ll see immediate results.
The system is based on simple and reflexive moves that will save your life! The effectiveness of the techniques has been battle tested time and time again. Remember, CKM is taught to the most elite commando units and SWAT forces in Israel and around the world. most importantly, you’ll also be training your mind to be a winner as you will be able to confidently handle any of life’s innumerable challenges.

The history of Israeli Fighting systems dates back to 1919, with the implementation of the British Mandate. In this same year the Jewish people formed an underground army known as the Haganah (the Hebrew word for defense) to deal with the ongoing conflict with various terrorist gangs, and in anticipation of the creation of a Jewish state promised to them by the British in the Balfour Declaration. Throughout its existence since that time, the little region in the Middle East now known as Israel has had to fight daily in order to survive.
Completely surrounded by its enemies at all times, it has always been totally outnumbered in its battles. In response to these overwhelming odds, the Israelis developed systems of combat that had at their core a particular emphasis on mental toughness, versatility, innovation and practicality.
The formalities of traditional defense systems were abandoned, in favor of methodologies that valued rapid and instinctive learning. These philosophies helped Israel and its citizens to survive in the face of constant aggression and to form one of the most respected armies in the world.
Currently there are several forms of Israeli Fighting Systems in existence, each with the common thread of survival and reality based techniques as their main emphasis. Some are used for basic infantry (ordinary Krav Maga) within the Israeli Defense Forces, while others are reserved for more elite units within the Special Forces (Commando KRAV MAGA, KAPAP, Lotar etc.).
In the seventies Moni Aizik, then a senior member of one of the most elite commando units (Sayaret ), was approached by senior Commando staff to improve upon the already existing system of close quarter combat for the elite units. The system that Moni developed at that time, incorporating Jiu Jitsu, Israeli and various other fighting styles, kept evolving into what is now referred to as Commando Krav Maga.
CKM combines the most useful elements taught to one of the toughest militaries in the world, the Israeli Special Forces, with the no holds barred octagon environment (like the UFC), and Olympic level martial arts and mental training. The goal of CKM is to teach anyone how to survive and be a winner on the street and in life.
Until very recently Moni taught CKM exclusively to special military groups around the world. However, on account of a growing demand from civilian groups, Moni agreed to start teaching civilians for the first time in his career. Now finally even civilians can learn the most elite Israeli commando units’ techniques for armed and unarmed combat.
In Commando Krav Maga, you will learn:
• How to defeat any attackers, including attackers armed with guns, knives, clubs, bottles, bats etc.
• How to control or debilitate your opponent immediately - irrespective of their size or martial arts background.
• How to execute crucial and straightforward moves that can save your life.
• How to become a devastating hand-to-hand combat expert!
• How to cover all aspects of real hand-to-hand combat and weapons training.
• The techniques taught to the most elite commando units and SWAT forces in Israel and around the world!
Guaranteed easy to learn reality based training.
Gun Disarming, Blade Attack Defense, Violent Strangles, Israeli ground Survival, Control, Fast and brutal Striking scenarios, Pressure Points, Violent Headlocks, Baseball bat, Clinch defense, Surprise attacks, Edge weapons, Escape from vicious street-holds, Improvised weapons, crime and terrorism survival skills, Grappling and striking techniques ,Commando Training tips and much more!
Commando Krav Maga techniques are simple yet highly effective! In the words of Moni Aizik:
”Simplicity is genius!”
Israeli Fighting systems have been successfully used for decades by Israeli Special Forces, FBI SWAT, Argentinean GOE, U.S. Marshals, Brazilian GATE, the American Military, U.S. Border Patrol, Helsinki Police, the British TSG, high profile bodyguards, counter-terrorist police units, and SWAT units from around the world.
Despite the no nonsense reputation of Commando Krav Maga, the system also has at its core basic tenets that help guide individuals throughout their daily living. The same way its country of origin has had to overcome severe limitations and weaknesses in order to survive, Commando Krav Maga helps empower the individual with the requisite mental and emotional tools (in addition to the obvious technical and physical ones), that help one to properly navigate through life’s difficulties. As such, in CKM students are taught to go beyond the physical and explore a side of their consciousness they are not used to confronting.
It is in this way that the system helps deal with the many challenges one can encounter in the day to day. Fundamental to this idea is the awareness of one’s limitations and strengths. It is the consciousness of those limitations that makes us humble as individuals, another major value inherent to the system, but it is the overcoming of those limitations that give confidence and an indomitable spirit when facing future obstacles. The constant emphasis on pushing forward no matter the odds reflects a can do attitude, and one of continuous improvement.
The training for CKM places particular emphasis on a positive state of mind as an approach to everything in life. As such the attitude is not ‘everything good or bad happens for a reason’, but to quote Moni Aizik, “When Nothing is for sure, everything is possible!” It is this philosophy that helps develop survivors on the battlefield, champions in the ring, and winners in life. In order to be a winner, you have to think like a winner.
You have to have a positive outlook, and never, ever give up. And, irrespective of the outcome of life’s challenges, it is from this constant struggle of facing obstacles that character and confidence is developed. Not a shell that exists to impress others, but true inner strength that comes from a well defined and well developed sense of self.
One way of exercising this inner strength is by participating in a daily workout (physical or mental) that challenges the individual psyche. One should strive to partake in as rigorous a mental or physical training regime that one can, and in so doing continually develop character at any age in life. As such, the abuse of any substances is to be avoided, and the enjoying of life’s pleasures done so in moderation.
This approach to life is very much a balanced path, one that is easy to veer from and one
that takes time to completely internalize and master, but consistent and diligent training in facilitates the development of the required skills on this journey to self-mastery.
Philosophy of Commando Krav Maga (CKM):

The Philosophy of CKM can be broken down into three main dimensions.
1. Ethical
2. Pragmatic
3. Dynamic
In CKM, the intention in any conflict situation is to find a honorable path towards a peaceful resolution. CKM abhors fighting. Violence is the absolute last resort.
CKM always gives the aggressor a chance to save face, an honorable solution as a way out without ever compromising its own sense of self esteem. The body says, “I don’t want to fight”. The eyes say, “watch out”.
Many times, a fight is all about somebody’s ego, either ours or theirs. CKM knows that fighting is mostly avoidable and as such its practitioners do best to deescalate any situation that could turn violent. Every practitioner of CKM seeks to dissolve his own individual ego through intense training and introspection.
Precisely because every CKM technique is potentially lethal, CKM insists that its practitioners respect every other human being, regardless of race, religion or gender.
Therefore, the fundamental CKM principle is this: No first use of force.
The second principle of CKM is this: While negotiating for peace, prepare for war.
CKM evolved in the hostile environment of the Middle East. So, CKM intrinsically is a mature and pragmatic body of knowledge. Though every CKM practitioner does his best to deescalate the conflict, CKM is not oblivious to the fact that there are many unintelligent people out there who might mistake a desire for peace as weakness.
So, even as CKM tries to negotiate a honorable peace with the aggressor, the CKM practitioner instantly begins to prepare for combat. The CKM starting stance for instance conceals far more than it reveals. If there is going to be any kind of fighting, the opponent will know nothing about what the CKM practitioner knows. This allows CKM to launch the most devastating counter attacks from what looks like an innocuous position.
CKM practitioners are taught to loudly announcing their intentions of not wanting to fight. This further ensures that should the law enforcement authorities intervene, they will have witnesses to show that the CKM practitioner did not want to fight and that whatever happened subsequently was the result of the aggression of the aggressor. Fighting in self defense is legally OK in most countries. Aggression and the use of excessive force is not.
Static systems that claim to know all the answers are obviously highly suspect. All bodies of knowledge must keep evolving to keep pace with new inputs or else they become outdated. CKM is no different. CKM knows that criminals and terrorists continuously keep changing their tactics. Therefore, CKM keeps evolving to keep pace with the new tactics and weapons of the enemy. It is totally dynamic.
Combat in the streets is totally unpredictable. There are no rules. There is no referee who will stop the fight, or throw in the towel. There is no honor code. Treacherous behavior abounds. The attacker might pull a gun, or a knife, or have friends lurking not too far away (a gang), it may be two or more than two on one. Such people are capable of stooping to any sub-human extent.
The CKM Solution: Think like a Commando. Engage and rapidly disengage. Engage the enemy only if there is no other choice, but if you must then finish him off immediately. Then, rapidly disengage before his friends come to his rescue. The goal is simple. Survival. This is the reality of the street, not of the dojo.
Because Moni and his senior instructors are actively involved with teaching the elite Special Forces, CKM keeps evolving spurred by the demands of one of the fiercest fighting environments in the world; the Middle East.
The third CKM principle is this: In the street there are no rules. Train real.
To read more about Moni or CKM : WWW.COMMANDOKRAVMAGA.COM